Student Leadership
St Joseph’s aims to provide opportunities to develop and cultivate leadership qualities within all students. We aim to instil in students, a strong sense of social justice through the service of others and we believe all students are leaders as part of their responsibility as a learner.
There are many opportunities throughout the year for our students to lead each other.
Stage 3 students are able to nominate to be a member of the following leadership teams: Mini Vinnies, Kids Care, Gotcha Gang, Enviro Warriors and Games Gurus. Each of these groups is linked to our Mercy Values.
Mini Vinnies is focused on supporting those in need in our community and the wider community, the Gotcha Gang support the school’s Positive Behaviour Program. The Kid’s Care group on welcoming and pastoral works in the school. The Games Guru group assists with major school games events and organise some exciting activities for the students during the year. The Enviro Warriors includes majority of Stage 3 students but will include two students from each primary class. Year 2 will participate in Semester 2 each year. This group will focus on environment issues.
Leadership groups attended an induction and leadership session with facilitators from the Chisholm Pastoral Region and the teachers that are leading the group at the beginning of the year.
Year 6 students also lead our Joey Squad Groups which are held twice a term.
Students from Year 6 are all eligible to become School Leaders and are voted in by both the student and teaching community. The are many opportunities for students to participate in Leadership Formation Days.
Eight students are elected to fill the positions of school captains and prefects.
There are also captains and vice captains for each sporting house. Our sport houses are: Therry (Gold), McAuley (Blue), Kenny (Red), and Dowling (Green).